Did you know there is a government Affordable Connectivity Plan available to help fixed or low-income families to pay their monthly internet bill? High monthly internet costs can keep people from subscribing. That information does not have to be entered to run the speed test, but if you have a close idea of how much you pay per month, that can be very helpful. What if I can’t remember how much we pay for internet? There is a dedicated line ready to take your call – we want to hear from you. Find a friend if you need help to do the online survey or give us a call. When we know where there is a need, we can direct resources to help you connect. If I don’t have internet, do you still want me to respond? All of this informs state leaders where to make the best investment to connect our citizens. We can also see where there is great service or improvements have been made. It tells us if there is no service, it’s not good enough, or if it is too expensive. This provides detailed information about your community's broadband internet availability including the provider servicing your area. No need to provide your name or contact information. Entering your full address is very helpful for accuracy. The household or business location’s internet speed and monthly cost.